2008年5月19日 星期一

祟高的理想, 平靜和意志

記得考大學時, 間接和直接都認識兩位高材生, 一位是本校的Y, 另一位是鄰校的L, 而我們其他同學都只是僅僅合格的「基層人士」, Y君和L君在考化學時在同一個試場相遇, 朋友CM介紹他們認識, 他們發現彼此的「戰鬥力」都很強! 可能壓力的原故, Y君考得3A11A2, L君卻取得4A1Y君考得的A2正是化學科。

多年後, L君當了一個中學主任老師, Y君也只是一個電子工程師! 我想他們都是過早厭戰了。 而其他「基層人士」呢? X君剛剛取得了醫學傑青; Frepeat了一年入了法律系, 現在當了法官; 查爾斯在「The Master Key System」一書曾說:「成功取決於祟高的理想…」!

Free download the The Master Key System

8 則留言:

ML 提到...


little baby,little fat boy 提到...

又上咗一堂课,thanks ^_^

Unknown 提到...

Every body has his life goal or interest.Person having a greater academic ability does not mean that he/she should only pursue for a career that offer higher social status.Besides,a bright teacher or an engineer is not necessarily inferior to a judge in turns of contribution to the society.

飄浮角落 提到...

我在象牙塔裡, 看見不少人, 一生追求學術地位, 到後來才知道自己真正想要的是名和利, …到有權勢時, 「甚麼都做得出啊!」 人有一點名利之心是正常的, 說自己不喜歡「比人讚」或是自欺欺人!

Unknown 提到...

I agree to your view that people like to be praised. But the desire for reputation and money is different for every person. In fact, I know brillant guy having 1st honor degree opt to be secondary teacher; and a doctor turns to be a social worker; even a software company having million dollar annual salary becomes a fund raising manager of a charity body,earning only ten thousand dollar per month. Their change may be out of various reason like love or interest change.

飄浮角落 提到...

There is a book called "How to define myself" talking about such sudden changes in life. Sometimes, people should face some difficulties and then, he/she will have such a re-weighting of his/her life valuation standards. Those events make him/her to feel their meaningless of their present life styles.

I have such an experience when my father passes away in 2006 and my ex-gf left in 2007.

Unknown 提到...
Unknown 提到...

其實在唔同既時候我們都會重新整理自我的價值觀(自省), 可以是習慣性可以係一個平凡不過的早上, 唔一定要些什麼重大的事情發生在自己身上, 是一種自我覺察->醒覺->覺悟。
Self is a status of "Becoming".....


